Sometimes When The Gastric Sound Heard in the Right Upper Quarant of Abdomen? - Diskusi Dokter


 MRCP of young Women , incidental findings were:... Malrotated Gaster, Organoaxially..with dilated All Biliary Ducts due to tappered narrowing of distal CBD...

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  • Sometimes When The Gastric Sound Heard in the Right Upper Quarant of Abdomen?

    Dibalas 10 Desember 2021, 04:19
    Dokter Spesialis Radiologi

     MRCP of young Women , incidental findings were:... Malrotated Gaster, Organoaxially..with dilated All Biliary Ducts due to tappered narrowing of distal CBD that located superiorly , and Also Sludge Ball,..

    Whats is the next Imaging Diagnostic to confirm the Malrotated Gaster?


    Sludge ball intra gall bladder dan pada CBD distal dengan arah CBD ke superior dan stenosis distal CBD setinggi level paravertebrae T12 kanan yang menyebabkan Obstruksi ductus biliaris intra dan extra hepatal

    Suggestive Organoaxial Malrotation gaster

    Riedel Lobe liver dextra

09 Desember 2021, 18:37

Alo Doc, --> here is a good paper on malrotation in adults.

Presume as the patient had an MRCP that she was experiencing upper GI symptoms - epigastric pain, nausea/vomiting. Her clinical condition is important and will determine whether emergency or elective surgical procedure is required.

USG can be useful to look at flow in SMA and SMV, note that the position of these vessels is commonly transposed.

10 Desember 2021, 04:19
Dokter Spesialis Radiologi
Thanks dr Airindya Kusumaningrum